Access resources | Resources by priority populations

RISE provides a ‘one-stop shop’ for four types of resources that can support rapid learning and improvement among Ontario Health Teams (OHTs): 1) RISE resources, including RISE briefs (RB) and webinar recordings, among others; 2) resources prepared by other partners; 3) resources prepared by the Ministry of Health; and 4) hyperlinks to curated searches of Health Systems Evidence and Social Systems Evidence for systematic reviews of the research literature and related document types (for when no dedicated OHT resources exist).

Here we focus on resources by priority populations, specifically the three selected by a large majority of cohort 1 OHTs (with one reflecting a merger of two highly overlapping populations, older adults with greater needs and people with chronic conditions) and those at risk of or affected by COVIID-19.

Using a population-health management approach to move the needle on quadruple-aim metrics will be common to all projects focused on priority populations. The following resources can support using a population-health management approach:

If you know of a resource that would be helpful to other OHTs, please send it to rise@mcmaster.ca.

Priority population 2: People with mental health and addictions issues

To navigate to this section of the resources page directly in future, copy the following link and paste it in your browser: /rise/access-resources/resources-by-priority-populations?tab=2

Topics RISE resources Partner resources Ministry resources Curated searches 
All of most topics RB16 on PHM for people with mental health and addictions issues
HCSL personas for people using substances that can be used in population-health management

Priority population 3: People who could benefit from a palliative approach to care

Priority population 4: People at risk of or affected by COVID-19

To navigate to this section of the resources page directly in future, copy the following link and paste it in your browser: /rise/access-resources/resources-by-priority-populations?tab=4

Topics RISE resources Partner resources Ministry resources Curated searches
All or most topics

Public-health measures to address COVID-19
  COVID-END evidence about public-health measures
Clinical management of COVID-19 and related health conditions
  COVID-END evidence about clinical management
Health-system arrangements to prepare for and respond to COVID-19
  COVID-END evidence about health-system arrangements     
Economic and social responses to COVID-19
  COVID-END evidence about economic and social responses