Plain-language summaries

Plain-language summaries are short, easy-to-read documents that present findings from evidence syntheses produced by COVID-END alone or in partnership with the SPOR Evidence Alliance.

Plain-language summaries aim to help the public to:

  • easily find the information they need;
  • understand the information; and
  • use the information.

Here are the most recent plain-language summaries produced on COVID-related topics:

  • What is the effectiveness of available COVID-19 vaccines for children and adolescents, including variants of concern?
  • What is the effectiveness of available COVID-19 vaccines for adults, including for variants of concern and over time frames up to 120 days? - Infographic (English | French)
  • Do the COVID-19 vaccines keep working over time? (English | French)
  • What is the incidence, associated risk factors, and clinical course of myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination? ( | )
  • What is known about preventing and managing COVID-19, outbreaks of COVID-19 and about supporting renewal in long-term care homes? ( English | French)
  • What is known about anticipated COVID-19 vaccine roll-out elements? (English | French)
  • What do we know from both research and jurisdictional scans about prioritizing vaccination of asymptomatic residents in a long-term care home with an outbreak (English | French)
  • What scientific evidence and international guidance exists on surveillance approaches to SARS-CoV-2 and its variants of concern in the context of moderate-to-high vaccination rates and low prevalence? (English | French)