Keep current

Decision-makers and those supporting them can keep current about COVID-19 responses with two types of products from COVID-END:

  1. global spotlights that include updates to the ‘best’ living evidence syntheses and new ‘best’ evidence syntheses (which draw on the COVID-END inventory of best evidence syntheses in the world on COVID-19-related decisions)
  2. horizon scan documents that include a briefing note about emerging COVID-19 issues and a panel summary about priority COVID-19 issues (which capture the insights from COVID-END’s global panel of leading doers and thinkers).

COVID-19 responses can include the full spectrum of public-health measures, clinical management, health-system arrangements, and economic and social responses. These products are published on this website and shared through our many COVID-END partners.

If you want to receive an email containing hyperlinks to these products twice a month, subscribe here.