
COVID-END gratefully acknowledges the support of its past and current funders:

  1. Government of Canada (through a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research), Canada
    • supports much of the cost of maintaining the COVID-END inventory (and the guide to COVID-19 evidence sources from which the included evidence syntheses are drawn) and ‘horizon scanning’ for emerging issues where evidence syntheses are or will be needed
    • supports all of COVID-END in Canada’s activities
  2. Government of Ontario (through a grant to Rapid-Improvement Support and Exchange), Canada
    • supported a significant share of COVID-END’s work for its first six months
    • now supports part of the cost of maintaining the COVID-END inventory (and the guide to COVID-19 evidence sources from which the included evidence syntheses are drawn) and ‘horizon scanning’ for emerging issues where evidence syntheses are or will be needed
  3. National Institute of Health Research (Evidence Synthesis Program), U.K.
    • supported part of the cost of maintaining the COVID-END inventory (specifically the inclusion of PROSPERO records and the sharing value-added content back to PROSPERO)
  4. Individual donors through the Centre for Effective Altruism and Fidelity Charitable, U.S.A., as well as through direct individual donations
    • supported a significant share of COVID-END’s work for its first six months

To discuss opportunities to provide funding support, please contact us at covid-end@mcmaster.ca. Individual donors can support COVID-END .

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