Community of those supporting decision-making

Those supporting decision-making about COVID-19 have had to develop many new approaches and adjust many existing approaches to meet the many and varied needs of decision-makers.

To support collaboration and learning among these individuals, COVID-END supports the ‘COVID-END Community,’ and invites individuals with the following attributes to join its listserv:

  1. creating and/or using evidence syntheses, technology assessments, and/or guidelines as the focus of their support to decision-making about COVID-19
  2. engaging with decision-making about COVID-19 by citizens/service users, providers, and/or health- and social-system policymakers
  3. keen to learn from others about how to support decision-making about COVID-19 and willing to explore challenges and/or share experiences through online discussions
  4. share the COVID-END’s principles.

Please consider joining the COVID-END Community and bringing it to the attention of others who share the above attributes.


The COVID-END Community listserv is hosted on JISCMail, a UK-based mailing-list service. Before or immediately after subscribing, please read the listserv service policies.

Once you’ve joined the listserv, you can:

  • respond to a posting about an issue
  • share a resource you’ve found helpful
  • solve a problem that others may have already confronted
  • identify a new or emerging area of concern
  • propose an area for further discussion.