RISE lunchtime webinar on leadership infrastructures for OHTs

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As RISE nears the last of six regional sessions to support teams on an OHT readiness path (and individuals interested in supporting teams), it is transitioning its focus to a series of six webinars on topics for teams invited to submit an Ontario Health Team (OHT) full application form. These webinars will build on lessons learned from, and sometimes feature, team members who participated in the regional sessions. Many of the insights will be relevant to teams in development and teams in discover as well.

Leadership infrastructures for OHTs
Watch a recording of this webinar

Many teams developed an initial leadership infrastructure for their Ontario Health Team (OHT) and, through the self-assessment process and now the full-application process, they are learning what’s working well and what could be improved. In this webinar we’ll hear from members of the OHT community of practice: 1) how two teams with very different types of locally available resources have developed their leadership infrastructure; 2) how teams that share a priority population can join forces to balance standardization and local contextualization and to ensure they are aware of and considering how best to leverage relevant regional and provincial assets; 3) how teams can begin to incorporate planning for broader human services within a full and coordinated continuum of care to their patients; and 4) how partners that serve the attributed populations of many teams are balancing their contributions to these teams with existing service needs. The webinar will also provide an opportunity for webinar participants from other teams to share what’s working well and what could be improved with their own leadership infrastructures. The webinar is the first in a series of six lunchtime webinars focused on topics particularly relevant to teams invited to full application. A Webex recording of the webinar  will be posted on the RISE website.

Download presentation slides.


  • BB#6: Leadership & governance

Target audience

  • Cohort 1
  • Cohort 2
  • Cohort 3
  • In-development teams

Target OHT role/function

  • Executive/ administrative leads
  • Implementation leads