Christina Southey

RISE coach

Christina Southey, MSc is an Improvement Advisor and independent consultant who works with clients in the United States and Canada. She has supported multiple  projects in various care settings including those focused on equity, age friendly care, mental health care and chronic disease. She is experienced in supporting initiatives that require cross sectoral collaboration and enjoys the unique aspects of moving teams forward in that type of work. She is a champion for work that involves those with lived experience in various ways.

Christina is an Improvement Advisor with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and has lived and worked in three Canadian provinces focusing on provincial and national level improvement initiatives. 

Christina has taught quality improvement in small and large group education session in North America and internationally, she is also a seasoned facilitator and trained in the Lewis method of Deep Democracy to support groups working through conflict. Christina holds a master’s degree in Community Health and Epidemiology and lives with her family in Toronto, Ontario Canada.

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