Top Ten insights on supporting evidence-informed policymaking in Africa

Watch the recording from our February 2019 ‘Top Ten‘ webinar: Top Ten insights on supporting evidence-informed policymaking in Africa.

As more emphasis is placed on the importance of supporting the use of evidence  alongside systematically elicited citizen values and stakeholder insights to strengthen health and social systems globally, there are growing opportunities to learn from the innovative approaches taken in different regions around the world. Ruth Stewart and Laurenz Langer (Director and Evidence Synthesis Specialist, respectively, of the Africa Centre for Evidence) shared insights from their experience in supporting evidence-informed policymaking in Africa.

Webinars in this series feature top ten insights into health- and social-systems, evidence-informed policymaking and a range of key health and social issues, from Forum experts and influential policymakers, stakeholders and researchers from around the world.

Visit our 'Top Ten' webinar page or follow  on Twitter for more details.