RISE lunchtime webinar on population-health management by OHTs

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As RISE nears the last of six regional sessions to support teams on an OHT readiness path (and individuals interested in supporting teams), it is transitioning its focus to a series of six webinars on topics for teams invited to submit an Ontario Health Team (OHT) full application form. These webinars will build on lessons learned from, and sometimes feature, team members who participated in the regional sessions. Many of the insights will be relevant to teams in development and teams in discover as well.

Population-health management by OHTs
Population-health management will require Ontario Health Teams (OHT) to complement a focus on individuals with a focus on populations, a reactive approach with a proactive approach, and a condition or disease orientation with a person-centred orientation. In this webinar we’ll hear: 1) how to segment year 1 priority populations into population segments with shared needs and shared barriers to accessing services; 2) how to co-design in-reach services, out-reach services and care pathways that are evidence-based and appropriate to each population segment; and 3) how to stratify these services to enable their delivery by OHT partners in a manner that reaches and is appropriate to each population segment. In addition to hearing from Rob Reid, who has returned to Canada from a decade with Puget Sound Health Cooperative (now Kaiser Permanente) and who has extensive experience with population-health management, the webinar will provide an opportunity for webinar participants to share their approaches to population-health management. The webinar is the second in a series of six lunchtime webinars focused on topics particularly relevant to teams invited to full application.

Download presentation slides.


  • BB#1: Defined patient population
  • Population-health management

Target audience

  • Broader health system partners
  • Cohort 1
  • Cohort 2
  • Cohort 3
  • In-development teams

Target OHT role/function

  • Implementation leads
  • Priority population working-group leads