Ontario opioid monitoring tool webinar

Hosted by:

>> from the webinar
>> on the Ontario Opioid Monitoring Tool
>> to provide insight on how the tool is currently being used and ways to make it more efficient and useful

The Ontario Opioid Drug Observatory of the ODPRN invites anyone engaged in work related to opioid and/or drug policy and programming at the community, regional or provincial level to attend a webinar to inform the evolution of our interactive online opioid monitoring tool:

During this session, we will review the indicators currently captured in the online dashboard, and will seek input on indicators that should be added or removed. Please register to let us know if you will be attending and access details will be provided.


  • BB#1: Defined patient population
  • BB#5: Digital health
  • BB#8: Learning & improvement
  • Population-health management

Target audience

  • Broader health system partners

Target OHT role/function

  • Digital health leads
  • Health information management leads
  • Performance management and accountability leads
  • Priority population working-group leads