OHT webcast series: The shift to shared leadership

With the passage of the People’s Health Care Act in April, there is renewed commitment towards truly integrated patient-centred care and an emphasis for all sectors of the health system to work more closely together to build Ontario Health Teams.

Creating shared leadership will encourage committed behaviour and optimize the collective strengths of participating organizations; however, establishing a culture of shared leadership isn’t something that can be mandated overnight. Partnerships take time and must be built on the foundation of trust.

How can OHTs develop an approach to shared leadership that creates a level playing field, that balances the division of powers, and that values all partners at the table? This webinar will review approaches to creating shared leadership tables and/or working groups, and offer practical “OHT Starter Kit” tips and tools, including:

  • Partnership principles
  • Management structure options and approaches
  • Working Group Terms of Reference
  • Due diligence checklist
  • Statement of intent / MOU
  • Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • OHT 101 Handbook for Boards

The Ontario Community Support Association and Advantage Ontario will join AFHTO to co-host these webinars.

Speakers: The webcast will be facilitated by Karima Kanani, Partner at Miller Thomson LLP, and Keri Selkirk and Maria Sanchez-Keane from the Centre for Organizational Effectiveness. Participants will learn from experiences across the province to date and hear examples from OHT team(s) re. their process for establishing shared operational leadership & management structures.