Top Ten insights into how COVID-END can help you prepare evidence syntheses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
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Having access to timely, relevant and high-quality evidence over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic is an important input into how decision makers respond to pressing needs. However, the evidence base on COVID-19 is new and rapidly growing, as is the number and diversity of individuals and groups that are undertaking evidence synthesis activities. In this webinar, Drs John Lavis, Michael Wilson and Heather Bullock shared insights about the tools and resources available to support the production of rapid syntheses and other similar products in support of the COVID-19 response, drawing from their work as part of 1) COVID-END, 2) the Ontario Evidence Synthesis Network for COVID-19, and 3) a CIHR grant to develop a rapid synthesis service for the Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence in Ontario.
Webinars in this series feature top ten insights into health- and social-systems, evidence-informed policymaking and a range of key health and social issues, from Forum experts and influential policymakers, stakeholders and researchers from around the world.
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