Evidence Commission update 2023
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Some of the commissioners and implementation council members working with the Evidence Commission also shared short videos to reflect on various aspects of improving evidence-use to better address health and social challenges.
Join our webinar as we share our progress towards improving the use of evidence to address societal challenges. The webinar will also provide an update on where we are and bolster our collective efforts to move from recommendations into action.
The webinar will be co-hosted by the Secretariat Executive Lead Jenn Thornhill Verma and Secretariat Co-Lead Jeremy Grimshaw, and will feature a brief update by Secretariat Co-Lead John Lavis, with discussions featuring Laura dos Santos Boeira (nongovernmental organization leader working to strengthen evidence support systems in Latin America). Commissioners David Halpern (government advisor), Maureen Smith (citizen leader from Canada) and Modupe Adefeso-Olateju (non-governmental organization leader from Nigeria), as well as Implementation Council members Laurenz Mahlanza-Langer and Ruth Stewart (research leaders from South Africa) as well as Sunu Alice Cherian (research leader from India) will also share their insights. Other speakers to be confirmed.