RISE lunchtime webinar on engaging and improving care for francophone communities

Watch a recording from this webinar.

More than 620,000 francophones live in Ontario. The French Language Services Act, 1986 (FLSA) established a right for Ontarians to communicate in French with, and receive services in French from the Ministry of Health and its  agencies in 26 designated areas. As well, two questions in the OHT full application require teams to describe how they have engaged and will engage francophone communities in their work, while another two questions require teams to describe how they will improve care for francophone communities. This webinar will describe the resources available to support teams in fulfilling their obligations under the FLSA and in answering the OHT application questions. The webinar will also provide an opportunity to hear from three members of the OHT community of practice with rich experiences in engaging and improving care for francophones. The webinar is the fifth in a series of six lunchtime webinars focused on topics particularly relevant to teams invited to full application. A Webex recording of the webinar  will be posted on the RISE website.

Download the webinar slides. (French version)

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