Integrating evidence-informed guidelines development processes for clinical, technology and health systems: Top Ten insights from Chile

Watch the recording from our May 2018 ‘Top Ten‘ webinar: Integrating evidence-informed guidelines development processes for clinical, technology and health systems: Top Ten insights from Chile.

The integration of evidence in the development of guidelines to support decisions about clinical care, about which health technologies to fund and about how to strengthen health systems is gaining momentum internationally. While evidence is increasingly being used to inform the development of these sources of guidance, they are often developed in isolation. There is room for improvement in these processes through greater alignment and coordination, which can ensure that they complement each other and yield the greatest benefits for health systems around the world. Cristian Herrera (Health policy analyst, OECD) shared his insights on this topic, and the lessons learned from Chile’s experiences with integrating evidence-informed guideline development.

Webinars in this series feature top ten insights into health systems, evidence-informed policymaking and a range of key health issues, from Forum experts and influential policymakers, stakeholders and researchers from around the world.

Visit our 'Top Ten' webinar page or follow  on Twitter for more details.


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