Decisions informed by best evidence for responding to societal challenges
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As governments and other decision-makers rethink the ways in which they rely on best evidence to inform their responses to global challenges, now is the time to systematize the aspects of using evidence that have gone well during the
COVID-19 pandemic and address the many shortfalls. The Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges will produce recommendations (by December 2021) and pursue 'pathways to influence' (in 2022) to strengthen the use of evidence by decision-makers
in addressing societal challenges, both in routine times and in future global crises.
While the pandemic has fast-tracked collaboration among decision-makers and researchers, drawing from a range of types of evidence to inform decision-making
is not yet routine. At the core of this work is better understanding the range of societal challenges ahead and ways to prepare decision-makers to effectively respond drawing on the world’s best evidence. This webinar featured insights and updates from scientific co-leads of the
Evidence Commission secretariat, Drs. John Lavis and Jeremy Grimshaw, as well as two esteemed commissioners: Dr. Fitsum Assefa Adela, a committed policymaker striving to bring a whole-of-government perspective to cabinet-level planning and development;
and Dr. Modupe Adefeso-Olateju, a non-governmental organization leader pioneering the use citizen-led assessments and public-private partnerships to improve educational outcomes for children.