Building inclusive and reciprocal relationships with Indigenous organizations and communities

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The Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC) presented an interactive webinar for OHTs on building inclusive and reciprocal relationships with Indigenous organizations and communities (October 21, 11:30-1pm). A panel discussion with Dr. Pamela Toulouse, Dr. Stephanie Nixon, Dr. Paula Chidwick and Maurice Switzer built on the September webinar and provided OHTs with an opportunity to engage in Q&A and discussion that will support the learning objectives of:

  • Learning from key examples of the co-design of Indigenous Cultural Safety training curriculum, and
  • Developing awareness of the available resources to support OHTs in their learning journey.

Download a PDF of the presentation.

Download a PDF summary of the breakout group discussions.

It is recommended that you watch and download the deck from the September webinar in advance of attending this session.

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