Mobeen Mubasher

Queen Elizabeth Scholars in Strengthening Health Systems (2017)

Mobeen is an undergraduate student in the Bachelor of Health Sciences Program specializing in Global Health. While working as a research assistant for the Health Forum’s Impact Lab, he developed an interest in health systems strengthening and public health reform. Upon learning that African countries suffer from high rates of preventable blindness that can be traced back to systemic and socioeconomic factors, Mobeen wished to explore the link between poverty, development and healthcare.

As an outgoing Queen Elizabeth Scholar, Mobeen will be travelling to Cape Town, South Africa to complete an internship with the Cape Health Department. His research will used to inform ways of providing city-wide recommendations for provision of eye-care services within the current financial envelope. Mobeen hopes to further investigate the interplay required between researchers, policymakers and various healthcare providers to inform healthcare decisions.

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