Howard White

Research leader supporting the use of robust evaluation and evidence synthesis in decision-making in international development and across sectors

(Last updated during their term as a Commissioner - January 2022)

Howard White is a research leader serving as the chief executive officer of the Campbell Collaboration, an international social-science research network that produces evidence syntheses relevant for decision-making. Howard has spent his career supporting the use of robust evaluation and previously served as the founding executive director of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), as well as led the impact-evaluation program of the World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group. Howard has advised government agencies in many countries, across many sectors, around the world. He has received awards from the governments of Benin and Uganda for his services in the field of evaluation. As an academic, he leans towards work with policy relevance, and working in the policy field believes in academic rigor as the basis for policy and practice. Howard started his career as an academic researcher at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, and the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.


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