Chinwe Juliana Iwu

Queen Elizabeth Scholars in Strengthening Health Systems (2018)

Chinwe holds a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from the University of Jos, Nigeria. She has served in various non-governmental organisations who partner with health facilities in Nigeria to improve Pharmaceutical Care.  She has also worked with the Faculty of health sciences, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, where she was involved in a project targeted at strengthening the primary health care system. 

Chinwe is currently pursuing her PhD in the Health Systems and Public Health division, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Her interests are in evidence-based solutions for ensuring constant supply of vaccines to target populations.  Her PhD study is aimed at assessing vaccine availability, and effectiveness of a stock visibility tool for improving vaccine stock management in primary health care facilities. She is being supervised by Prof. Charles Wiysonge. As an incoming Queen Elizabeth Scholar, she hopes to learn more about the health system in Canada and other countries. In addition, she wishes to learn how research evidence can be effectively used by policy makers in decision making. She also hopes to share her knowledge, experience and ideas with fellow scholars.

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