Forum continues to support capacity building with EVIPNet Europe

Policymakers are often faced with issues that need to be responded to within hours or days. Evidence-informed Policy Network (EVIPNet) Europe, which is a regional capacity-building network sponsored by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, has increasingly focused on strengthening network members’ capacity to conduct rapid syntheses of the best-available research evidence on pressing health-policy challenges within policymakers’ urgent timelines. To further build this capacity, they recently invited Forum assistant director, Mike Wilson, to facilitate a workshop on preparing rapid syntheses, which was held in Kyrgyzstan from 18 to 20 February. Through a mix of large-group and ‘hands-on’ sessions, participants were supported to conduct a rapid synthesis in a realistic policy timeline (i.e., three days). The hands-on sessions were supported through individualized feedback as participants worked through the process of conducting the synthesis.

“The rapid synthesis tool is highly relevant for decision-makers in health care because it provides a standardized and methodological basis for analysis of gaps and identification of relevant solutions or recommendations for action,” stressed one of the participants, providing feedback on the course.

Another participant from the host country - Kyrgyzstan – stated that “using such systematic approaches to decision making should become a tradition, a new norm for both, policy makers and researchers in our region. And we should strive to create a system where policy makers and researchers work as one team.”

Learn more about the Forum's Rapid Response program and its outputs.