COVID-END inventory of evidence syntheses
COVID-END has recently launched the beta version of the fully searchable COVID-END inventory of evidence syntheses. The inventory has long been the most reliable source of quality-appraised evidence syntheses to inform COVID-19 decisions, including those deemed ‘best’ for any given decision. Now it has the same ‘bells and whistles’ as and , as well as additional enhancements that we’ll soon be carrying over to HSE and SSE. The COVID-END inventory can support government policymakers, organizational leaders, professionals, citizens and researchers who want to access the best available research evidence in a timely manner through a number of features, including:
- a powerful search engine and sort function to ensure the best and most relevant results are quickly identified
- an intuitive user interface that streamlines the process of conducting advanced searches through the application of filters for public-health measures, clinical management of COVID-19 and pandemic-related health issues, health-system arrangements, economic and social responses, or any combination of these
- a guided search tool for users who want additional assistance in applying filters
- independently assigned quality ratings for each included evidence synthesis
- hyperlinks to scientific abstracts and full-text reports (when freely available)
- responsive design, which automatically gives users access to the site in a format optimized for use on their device of choice (for example, mobile, tablet or desktop)
- declarative titles for syntheses that are deemed ‘best’ (the most up-to-date, highest quality and transparently presented evidence syntheses)
Visit the COVID-END inventory of evidence syntheses to explore further.